Coupe de France Uechi Ryu


The Coupe de France Uechi Ryu Karate was held this Saturday 12 more 2012 Gymnasium at Didot in Paris.
In the morning : competition katas (classes to senior chicks)
The afternoon : competitive battles (classes to senior chicks)

Results of Coupe de France Uechi Ryu 2012 can be downloaded by clicking on this link (format PDF).

video of the finale kata senior :

Video of a fight-80kg seniors :

Video of a fight-80kg seniors :

Video of a fight-80kg seniors

video of the semifinal battle senior-80kg :

Course led by Karate Master Shimabukuro

Following the competition, an internship Uechi Ryu Karate was held in the same place the next Sunday 13 more 2012. The course was led by 9th Dan Master Shimabukuro and Uechi Ryu's representative in Europe.

After a few warm-ups, we worked techniques kihon Uechi Ryu, followed by a working 8 Uechi Ryu katas de, Sanchin Kata which controlled by the highest ranking. After a good session kote Kitae (reinforcements), We then worked a few battle sequences, including sequences of kicks. We have completed the course by strengthening exercises followed by shiatsu.

Stage Uechi Ryu - Paris May 2012
Stage Karate Uechi Ryu – The Paris 13 more 2012
Stage Uechi Ryu - Paris May 2012
Stage Karate Uechi Ryu – The Paris 13 more 2012