My first visit to Poland was in December 2007, à Czestochowa (south) precisely, in the Krakow region. I then accepted the invitation from Zbiginiew Rychlewski (“Zbyszek” for friends, born in 1967), who at the time taught Goju-Ryu Karate and Kyokushin in his dojo. He had then seen some demonstrations of Uechi-Ryu on the internet, and contacted me to come and do an internship.

I stayed there for a week in December 2007 for internships and also for specific Uechi-Ryu courses for its students.

At the time, karate was still a new discipline in Poland, but with already passionate practitioners. It was also already practiced in schools across the country as a sporting activity, due to its educational aspect. I was very surprised and pleasantly surprised to see around a hundred children and adolescents participate in my internship..

During my five day stay, I taught hojo-undo (elbow), Sanchin, Kanshiwa, Kanshu, cottage-kitten and Kata-Bunkai. The students were passionate, motivated and hardworking. Some learned very quickly. Professor Zbyszek, of a fairly high level, learned the Katas himself until Seisan.

Since this first visit, I was invited to Poland every year for an internship and special courses. Everytime, it has been a great pleasure to see the progression and development of Uechi-Ryu in Zbyszek's group in Czestochowa, where competitions with other styles are now regularly organized.

The group now has around ten clubs and nearly 200 members, concentrated in this region of the south of the country.

Located in Silesia, Czestochowa is located about 200km southwest of Warsaw.. Cash 230.000 habitants, the city is known as a major religious center thanks to the Catholic shrine of Jasna Gora, visited every year by 4 to 5 millions of pilgrims from all over the world. The city is also known for the icon of the Black Madonna (a miraculous image of the Virgin) and a statue of former Pope John Paul II.

Poland has been a member of the European Union and the Schengen area since December 2007. The national currency remains the Zloty., whose value is approximately equivalent 1/4 of Euros. You can find almost everything there, and much cheaper than in France. Poland is certainly a very good country to go on vacation.

Zbyszek and his group wish to exchange with Uechi-Ryu practitioners around the world, for moments of friendship and conviviality. For those who would like to go there on vacation, you can combine business with pleasure by also practicing Uechi-Ryu in your dojo, with his students. You will be warmly welcomed there!

Ecrit par Shimabukuro Y. Sensei

Honbu Dojo Pologne
To the. Independence 30
42-200 Czestochowa