Finally released, This is the first work in France on the Uechi-ryu and French. Directed by Shimabukuro Sensei Yukinobu, 9th dan Uechi-ryu shubukan, representative of Uechi-ryu in Europe by soke Uechi-ryu.
This collection gives us the history of karate, of Uechi-ryu but also the history of Shimabukuro Sensei himself, told in a very modest way with great humility. He shares his vision of karate we, Uechi-ryu in particular in France. The book also brings a lot of cultural information about karate but also on Okinawa (explanation of other schools / currents karate, explanation of the geography of Okinawa, etc…).
In addition the book contains ALL the kata of Uechi-ryu school detailed picture by picture with Japanese names techniques, positions, travel and a glossary for translation.
A very interesting book for practitioners as technical educational base, but also for those interested in karate, including traditional Okinawa and want to expand their culture with information on the Uechi-ryu.
Available at 35 euros (30€ + 5€ FRAIS of the port), you can order Fill out the order form below and returning it with Regulation (see order for payment terms) at the address indicated in the order.