French federal experts in Uechi-Ryu in 2024
We are fortunate to have three federal FFK experts representing the Uechi-Ryu style :
We are fortunate to have three federal FFK experts representing the Uechi-Ryu style :
Didier Lorho and Hervé Lesueur teachers in Carrières-sur-Seine (78) and The Rich (37) led two workshops in Belgium before nearly 25 practitioners.
Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 February 2017, the association organized an internship in Carrières-sur-Seine
led by sensei Yukinobu Shimabukuro and assisted Didier Lorho.
The 22 October to 1 November 2016, Didier Lorho professor at the club Carrières-sur-Seine (78) and president of & rsquo; Uechi-Ryu Karate-Do Association Europe (URKDE) s & rsquo; traveled to Havana.