Defense techniques bare no weapon and no armor hands were called TE in Okinawa. These techniques were developed from Chinese boxing (To Te) in medieval times where Okinawa (then the Kingdom of Ryukyu) was a lot of trade with China. Te developed into three streams under Chinese influence: le Shuri Te, Naha Te and Tomari Te.

The SHURI TE is related to the current North China (Pekin).

Shuri was the administrative center of Ryukyu, the residence of the King and his ministers who had great relations with officials and the Beijing Military. It is for this reason that the Shuri Te was inspired by Chinese boxing styles practiced in northern China. This current advocates of lengthy technical, the upper limbs with long distance explosive strikes, a dodge work and quick trips, straight, allies rare jumps techniques in other schools. It gave birth to the styles of Shorin Ryu as Kobayashi (small forest), Matsubayashi (pine forest), ou encore Sukunai Hayashi (young forest).

The NAHA TE is related to the current South China (Province de Fujian)

Naha was the neighborhood traders and import-export center where people had a lot of trade relations with the Fujian Province, south China. This current emphasis on technical upper limb, with circular techniques short. It requires a deep breath work and circular movements of little amplitude. Chinese styles Dragon, Tiger, Whooping Crane, and other animals contributed to its development. It gave birth to the Goju Ryu.

The TOMARI TE is very close SHURITE

This current resembled both SHURITE called the kyodaite (Technical brothers) since these two areas shared the same culture: the people of these two places were the king's servants. The SHURITE and Nahate distinguished themselves through techniques specific to each. The Tomarite was admired rather because of the presence of many strong experts, but not e, Because of specific technical. His katas are absorbed into the Shorin Ryu or Tomarite Goju Ryu.

The TO TE that is imported directly from Fujian Province, Southern China

In the mid to late nineteenth century where the relationship between Okinawa and China was still very high, many Okinawans went to Fujian to learn Chinese martial arts. Many people have managed to have a great reputation, but few people have left their styles. Among them we can mention that the Ryuei Ryu and Uechi Ryu. These styles emphasize the practical and realistic side so that movement speed and breathing. Mixtures circulars and direct techniques are characterized in these schools. The body of hardening techniques are unique in the school of Uechi Ryu.

The Japanese Styles

There are styles that were developed by Okinawans in Tokyo or Osaka from SHURITE, or both of Nahate. The Shotokan was founded by Gichin Funakoshi based SHURITE. Shito Ryu was created by Kenwa Mabuni assembling the SHURITE and Nahate. Wado Ryu was founded by Hironori Otsuka, un expert de jujutsu, who had learned Karate with Gichin Funakoshi. Japanese styles are influenced by Japanese martial arts such as kenjutsu, le jujutsu, etc.. They are also very developed in competition.