For the first time in the Marseille region, an internship together 4 Japanese experts was organized in the Cassis 11 to 13 July 2014.

  • Master Shimabukuro, 9th DAN, Head of Uechi-Ryu style in Europe
  • Master Mochizuki, 10th DAN, fondateur du Yoseikan Budo
  • Master Nakahashi, 9th DAN, style Shito-Ryu
  • Master Sato, 7th DAN, style Shotokan

The course was held in the gym for Cassis 6 half days (6 during 2 hours) :

  • 2 Uechi Ryu during
  • 2 cours de Yoseikan Budo
  • 1 cours de Shotokan
  • 1 cours de Shito-Ryu

It was completed on Monday 14 July from 2:30 Uechi-Ryu Karate in Marseille, Maître par dirigé Shimabukuro, and allowed only for practitioners of Uechi-Ryu.

One hundred participants were present in total at this stage.

Thank you to master Shimabukuro to have traveled in the region and for his teaching valuable.

training with Master Shimabukuro

the Saturday morning classes


course participants

course participants


Master Shimabukuro and Budo Club Provence

Master Shimabukuro and Budo Club Provence