For the first time in the Marseille region, an internship together 4 Japanese experts was organized in the Cassis 11 to 13 July 2014.
- Master Shimabukuro, 9th DAN, Head of Uechi-Ryu style in Europe
- Master Mochizuki, 10th DAN, fondateur du Yoseikan Budo
- Master Nakahashi, 9th DAN, style Shito-Ryu
- Master Sato, 7th DAN, style Shotokan
The course was held in the gym for Cassis 6 half days (6 during 2 hours) :
- 2 Uechi Ryu during
- 2 cours de Yoseikan Budo
- 1 cours de Shotokan
- 1 cours de Shito-Ryu
It was completed on Monday 14 July from 2:30 Uechi-Ryu Karate in Marseille, Maître par dirigé Shimabukuro, and allowed only for practitioners of Uechi-Ryu.
One hundred participants were present in total at this stage.
Thank you to master Shimabukuro to have traveled in the region and for his teaching valuable.