French federal experts in Uechi-Ryu in 2024
We are fortunate to have three federal FFK experts representing the Uechi-Ryu style :
We are fortunate to have three federal FFK experts representing the Uechi-Ryu style :
The first master DVD Shimabukuro fate soon. It is already on presale.
Article published in the newspaper in Okinawa in August 2018 to & rsquo; occasion of the International Karate Tournament and traditional kobudo. Maître Yukinobu Shimabukuro et les […]
When two sequences, Yukinobu Shimabukuro shows and offers several training topics from attacks kicks.
Ambassador of Uechi-ryu style in France, 8dan and professor at Carrières-sur-Seine from 1986, Yukinobu Shimabukuro discusses his karate school, born of a different era and at the same time similar, and delivers a wise lesson on the fundamentals of simplicity and sharing.
Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 February 2017, the association organized an internship in Carrières-sur-Seine
led by sensei Yukinobu Shimabukuro and assisted Didier Lorho.
Here is a story about Master Shimabukuro, 9th Dan, representative of Uechi Ryu Karate style in Europe, Didier Lorho son assistant, Club turned Carrières sur Seine and broadcast on Sport Kombat.
The cutting France Uechi-ryu 2015 was held 6 June at Maisons-Laffitte (78).
On this occasion Haruyoshi Shimabukuro sensei was the & rsquo; d & rsquo invited; honor this competition.
For the first time in the Marseille region, an internship together 4 Japanese experts was organized in the Cassis 11 to 13 July 2014.
Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 November 2013, held a large training karate style Uechi Okinawa. This course co-organized by the clubs Karate Larçay and La Riche brought together over a hundred karate.
During his visit to France in November 2013, senseï Shimoji led a Uechi-Ryu Karate course assisted by senseï Shimabukuro and Didier […]
The 22 to 24 October 2013, Senseï Shimabukuro (9th DAN Karate and federal expert) a dirigé un stage de Karaté Uechi Ryu à Moscou.